Innovation and Test Center

A state-of-the-art hall based on the latest technology. A machine is currently printing your PolyTC® sensors to your specification for your display. You take your component, equip the tool with a sensor and with the coating developed for you, and press the start button. You can test all your desired decoration options and experience the cutting-edge technology firsthand.

First test, then decide

In the KURZ Innovation and Technology Center, the tools and machines run under live conditions - with the same high standards of precision and cleanliness as on your own production line later on: Hot Stamping, Insert Molding, In-Mold Decoration, IME decoration, IMD VARIOFORM®, and Functional Foil Bonding.

In addition, our showroom has a selection of current designs and trends to see and touch: Haptic effects, displays, backlighting, and our designers’ visions for the future.

Are you planning a unique project? We offer custom live demonstrations tailored to your exact needs. Speak to our experts!

Schedule an appointment now

Are you planning a unique project? We offer customized live demonstrations that are tailored precisely to your needs. Talk to our experts!

Arrange an appointment

Any questions? Please get in touch.
We are here for you.

We are your partner from the initial idea to the finished component.
